Interior art

Do I need to monitor the conformity of the style of painting to the style of the interior? Recommendations from ART&SHOCK

Design without errors is impossible, but the stylistic inconsistency – the fate of newcomers (both designers and buyers). As a rule, it is caused by the lack of review experience in the field of art and current design. If a person has an idea of art exclusively from the textbook “History, 9th grade”, then Shishkin is our everything. Most often there is a skew in the direction of realistic landscapes – oaks, trees, pines. Shishkin from his “Morning in the Pine Forest”, finally! A copy, of course, yes.
I smile. Why? Because in 99% of cases, such people have a super-modern interior, which also requires modern painting. ART&SHOCK stands for the protection of realistic landscapes. They are perfect for dark classic interiors. However, in the last 7 years I have only seen such an interior in our clients a couple of times.

ART&SHOCK strongly recommends classic realistic art in a classic interior.
In modern interiors – modern painting

What usually looks alien in interiors, the basic rules of ART & SHOCK:
• abstraction in a traditional dark classic interior;
• realistic painting in a minimalist interior;
• gentle impressionism – in a brutal loft.

And how should it be? In general, the basics of ART & SHOCK:

  1. In a traditional classic interior, choose realistic subject paintings (still lifes, landscapes, portraits).
  2. In a minimalist interior – geometric laconic abstraction, avant-garde works with minimal detail.
  3. In the country style, naive art is ideal.
  4. Black and white painting or graphics, as well as brutal conceptual art will suit an industrial loft.
  5. Styles (American classics and neoclassics) can withstand any painting: (abstraction, avant-garde subject painting, conceptual art). The only exception is traditional realistic painting.

Of course, there are eclectic interiors that can withstand even a very complex mix of different styles, but here you need to feel the edge very subtly, so that the eclecticism does not become tasteless and kitsch. But if anything ART&SHOCK is always in touch and we are ready to help you.